100% IB DIploma Pass Rate at LCIS

For the fifth year running, La Côte International School in Aubonne has achieved a 100% pass rate in its International Baccalaureate Diploma results, an impressive result compared to the 2019 world IB pass rate of 77.4%. One in three LCIS IB graduates also achieved a bilingual diploma, a highly regarded and internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education, recognized by many of the best universities worldwide.
These academic results are a real credit to the students and the teaching staff who encouraged and supported them throughout their DP years, both from an academic perspective and in a pastoral sense.
True to La Côte International School’s core values, the Diploma Programme teaching team fostered a passion for hand-on learning and the emotional resilience necessary for LCIS students to shine and achieve their best.
Well done to the 2019 cohort, as they prepare to join a number of prestigious Russell Group and QS World’s Best universities worldwide, including Leiden University in the Netherlands, Leeds College of Music and University of Glasgow.
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