7 things to you need to know about complementary health insurance

By David Renard, Director with MyProject
They favour and promote healthy lifestyles! “Prevention is always better than the cure”.
Insurance companies encourage us with, to take care of ourselves and be active in sports. For this reason, most Swiss health insurance companies offer to reimburse some, or all the costs associated with fitness centre membership, and other sports from between CHF 200.- to CHF 800.- annually.
5-star hospitalisation
Any hospital visit can be a worrying time. Apart from the aspect of pure comfort, complementary health insurance helps put your mind at ease about some of the most important questions regarding your stay: Who will be my surgeon? Who will take care of me? When and where will I be operated on?
Without complementary health insurance, it is difficult to answer these questions. Complimentary insurance hospitalisation solutions will give you access to the best doctors, the best hospitals, and support.
Alternative treatments
Alternative treatments are increasing in their popularity and efficiency. If you decide to pursue alternative treatments, and your practitioners is certified ‘REM or ‘ASKA’ the LCA (Federal law of insurance contracts) can reimburse up to 90% of the treatment fees. Some examples of alternative treatments that might be covered are: osteopathy, homeopathy, kinesiology etc.
Access to 100% of the available medications
Sadly, there are many medications that are not covered by LAMal. However, complementary health insurance will cover up to 100% of the cost of these treatments. When a serious diagnosis is given, requiring long duration or rare treatments, complementary health insurance gives you peace of mind.
Glasses/ contact lenses
Since 2011, unfortunately LAMal doesn’t anymore cover the glasses and lenses for adults, only up to CHF 180.- for children. A complementary coverage offers CHF 100.- to CHF 300.- annually.
Ambulance transport and rescue
Transportation by ambulance is very expensive. LAMal cover until CHF 500.- for ambulances and CHF 5000.- for Rega. For example, a return trip between Lausanne and the CHUV costs easily CHF 700.-. With a complementary insurance, all costs are borne by the insurance.
International coverage
Complementary Insurance Plans also takes care of medical care, hospitalization, research and repatriation abroad up to 100% with unlimited expense.
With some simple steps, you can learn how to control the costs and continue to take advantage of some great benefits! So, want to learn more?
For more information about complementary health insurance, please click here: Click
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