Examiner’s Tips for Revision | Part 1: Plan ahead!

Now the mock exams are out of the way (or almost!) it’s time to take a moment and plan how to make the most of these last few months before the final exams.
- What still needs to be understood?
- What types of questions are a struggle to answer?
- How to keep energy levels high and the mind as fresh as possible?
Hanan, TutorsPlus tutor and IBDP Economics Examiner gives her top tips for planning ahead.
Carefully prepare your study schedule ahead of time
Students need to consciously leave study time for all of the subjects they are sitting exams for. This is because during the 3-week examination period, students will not have enough time or the capacity to study a subject from scratch. Therefore, they need to go into those exam weeks prepared and ready.
Plan in breaks, healthy meals and social time
Organized breaks for outings, playing sports, and social time in between study sessions should also be planned into the 6 weeks leading to the exams. This is vital for students to de-stress and get some energy to continue their journey. Join a class or a club of your preferred activity to give you extra incentive. Ask friends and family to help make sure you eat the type of food that your body and mind will appreciate during this intense period.
Use practice papers well
I highly recommend practicing past exams under timed conditions – just like in the exam. This will help you learn to better manage your time in the different sections of the exam. Afterwards, take the time to correct your paper against a marking scheme.
Your peers are a great resource
Study groups and sharing notes can be a huge benefit to students! Sometimes a friend or a classmate can explain a concept in a way that really helps you understand. Quizzing each other regularly helps practise formulate your responses.
Seek out extra resources
There are tons of IB resources that can be used and study guides by examiners are in no shortage! They do prove very helpful during those final weeks – provided students aren’t opening the material for the very first time.
By Hanan Mahmoud
TutorsPlus tutor and IB DP Economics Examiner
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