Montreux International School: Applications open for September 2022
Montreux International School has now officially opened its doors and welcomed their first students into class. MIS couldn’t have dreamed of a better start with a fantastic group of changemakers who the school can already see will drive change in their future careers.
Hailing from all corners of the earth, the class enjoys the great cultural mix of students that have come together to study with a common goal, embracing their passion and finding purpose. The exchange of knowledge and cultures has already been very beneficial to all students and staff members, creating a truly international and intercultural atmosphere. The local swiss students are also happy to be welcoming the boarding students and getting to know each other through their group project work and activities.
The two specializations chosen by the students for their IBCP include Business & Digital Marketing and Business and Hospitality. It is great to be able to see the how the newly gained knowledge is already being shared between the two groups, making even more of an impact on the learning outcomes and helping to develop interests and foster curiosity.
Starting in a new school, in a new curriculum and sometimes in a new country and/or language can be quite daunting, and the school is ensuring that all students feel supported, cared for and welcomed. An emphasis is also placed on allowing the students to have a voice and to encourage diverging opinions. Some of the first impressions were recorded and include statements such as, “It’s been amazing – I had high expectations and I’ve not been disappointed”, “I’ve loved the classes”, “’I’ve enjoyed working with new people and working with people from lots of different cultures” and finally to coin a famous phrase – “I’m loving it! and I’m happy”.
With a fantastic team in place and students eager to learn, MIS is off to a wonderful start of the academic year and truly creating a unique and innovative atmosphere where the MIS students may thrive and gain the skills to drive the change in the future.
Applications for September 2022 are now open, and even more options will be available such as, Creative Media Technology, Junior MBA and an Elite Performers Programme.
For further details, please contact our admissions department